Government Contract Awards: 17-21 April 2023

|In Contracts of the Week|By Nadezhda Aleksieva

Contracts of the Week

Contract for Technical Support Services

Date of announcement: 18-Apr-2023
Description Contract for the provision of technical, engineering, and construction services.
Country United States
Contracting Entity Department of Transportation
Awarded Company PTSI Managed Services Inc
Value of Contract USD 1 826 522 924.00


Contract for Skills for Education and Employment

Date of announcement: 19-Apr-2023
Description The Australian government has awarded a contract for delivering high-impact employment, training, and youth programs to help young adults gain skills for employment and entrepreneurship
Country Australia
Contracting Entity Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
Awarded Company MTC Work Solutions
Value of Contract AUD 26 046 112 702.00


Contract for Travel Booking Services

Date of announcement: 20-Apr-2023
Description Travel Management Services provision for Ministry of Defence business travel requirements, inclusive of air, rail hotel and ferries requirements for the period 2023-2029
Country United Kingdom
Contracting Entity Ministry of Defence
Awarded Company GBT Travel Services UK Limited
Value of Contract GBP 867 004 566.00


Contract for Financial and Accounting Support 

Date of announcement: 20-Apr-2023
Description Service delivery of financial and accounting advice and assistance. The European Commission applies accrual accounting in preparing its annual accounts, follows rules based on Public Sector international accounting standards.
Country Belgium
Contracting Entity European Commission
Awarded Company Deloitte Consulting & Advisory BV
Value of Contract EUR 220 000 000.00


Contract for Health Services

Date of announcement: 21-Apr-2023
Description Contract for the provision of healthcare to the beneficiaries of the Navarro Health Service-Osasunbidea. The contract covers a wide range of services, including hospitalization, outpatient consultations, diagnostic and therapeutic explorations, special treatments, surgical procedures, and transplants for the period 2023-2028.
Country Spain
Contracting Entity Servicio Navarro de Salud Osasunbidea
Awarded Company Clínica Universidad De Navarra
Value of Contract EUR 108 750 000.00