Government Contract Awards: 28 November-02 December 2022

|In Contracts of the Week|By Nadezhda Aleksieva

Contracts of the Week

Contract for Ship Repair

Date of announcement: 28-Nov-22
Description Maintenance, modernization, and repair of USS Tripoli amphibious assault ship.
Country United States
Contracting Entity Department of Defence
Awarded Company Continental Maritime Of San Diego, LLC
Value of Contract USD 33 475 088.00


Contract for Armed Protective Security

Date of announcement: 29-Nov-22
Description The US Department of Homeland Security has acquired armed Protective Security Officer services contract. The armed PSOs will protect federal personnel and property at federally owned and leased buildings.
Country United States
Contracting Entity Department of Homeland Security
Awarded Company Paragon Systems, Inc.
Value of Contract USD 159 899 094.00


Contract for Social Work Services

Date of announcement: 30-Nov-22
Description Residential care with occupational center for adults with intellectual disabilities
Country Spain
Contracting Entity Ministry of Family, Youth and Social Policy
Awarded Company Fundación Götze
Value of Contract EUR 119 490 222.60


Contract for Armed Protective Security

Date of announcement: 1-Dec-22
Description Crown Commercial Service has put in place an agreement for the provision of Security Services to be utilised to the Central Government Departments and all other UK Public sector bodies, including local authorities, health, police, fire and rescue, education and devolved administrations.
Country United Kingdom
Contracting Entity Crown Commercial Service
Awarded Company Мultiple companies
Value of Contract GBP 3 000 000 000.00


Contract for Telecommunications

Date of announcement: 2-Dec-22
Description Components for information technology or broadcasting or telecommunications.
Country Australia
Contracting Entity Department of Home Affairs
Awarded Company Telstra
Value of Contract AUD 18 139 853.00