Introducing TenderAlpha’s Global Government Supply Chain Transactions Data Feed

Our latest product - the TenderAlpha Global Government Supply Chain Transactions Data Feed - leverages the unique public-private relationships data available through the TenderAlpha Global Unified Government Contracts Data Feed to build a full-scale real-time monitoring of supply chain networks on agency and country level for more than 50 countries. 

It offers a singular perspective of buyer-supplier relationships, making use of 12+ years of historical data on government contract awards from the US, the EU, the UK, China, Russia, etc. 

The holistic view of the relationships between 50+ governments, 30 000+ agencies and their contractors, as well as the contractors’ subcontractors and suppliers, is completed with corporate and customs data retrieved from official sources such as company filings and bill of ladings. 

What Do You Get? 

  • Four tiers of supplier relationships data from the perspective of more than 30 000 government agencies in 50+ countries
  • Relationship value of G2B and B2B transactions
  • Multi-sourced data (supplier relationship data from corporate filings, government contracting and subcontracting, and customs data /bill of lading/)
  • Reporting period
  • Geolocation data (points of shipping origin and delivery where relevant)

What Can You Use Supply Chain Transactions Data For? 

  • Monitoring specific government spending verticals beyond direct awardees to subcontractors and suppliers of goods and services of critical importance
  • Analyzing transparency of transfer of goods
  • Conducting supply chain risk analysis on both corporate and government levels 
  • Monitoring the flows of goods and services from natural resources to redistribution and services
  • Risk assessment in terms of exposure to strategic competition on both corporate and government levels for geopolitcal and investment scouting analysis (including quantitative and qualitative use cases)
  • Policy formulation and validation
  • Corruption and procurement irregularities alert

In-depth insights into the supply chain network of government agencies around the world serve as a tool that can solve multiple issues with regards to transparency of information on the movement of goods and services that occurs between governments and their suppliers. 

TenderAlpha’s Government Supply Chain Data Feed could be used to highlight supply chain weak spots that could be important for policy makers and NGOs from a strategic geopolitical risk analysis standpoint. 

It could also serve investment professionals for investment opportunities scouting and for stock price modeling based on either competitive advantages or expected supply disruptions. 

We have sketched some of the use cases for TenderAlpha’s Global Government Supply Chain Transactions Data Feed. Stay tuned as we will be following up with more in-depth articles on what different types of clients can do with this data in the coming weeks. 

Keen on learning more right away? Contact us and we will be glad to answer any questions you might have. 

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