Open Contract Alerts: 27 February - 3 March 2023

|In Open Contract Alerts|By Nadezhda Aleksieva

Open Contract Alerts

Contract for Infrastructure Delivery Partnership

Date of announcement: 27-Feb-23
Short Description The Infrastructure Delivery Partnership will deliver conventional infrastructure projects and tasks in 3 lots. Delivery Partners will take a single option and complete detailed design installation and construction activities that form the delivery. Lot 1 Electrical Distribution; Lot 3 Utilities Delivery; Lot 4 Civils Delivery Partner.
Country United Kingdom
Contracting Entities Sellafield Ltd
Estimate Value GBP 1 840 000 000.00
Deadline 24-Apr-2023


Contract for Ship Building and Repairing

Date of announcement: 28-Feb-23
Short Description The purpose of this procurement is to award a contract to a suitable supplier that will provide maintenance and repair services to warships in the Port Hueneme, CA.
Country United States
Contracting Entities NAVSEA
Estimate Value USD 120 500 000.00
Deadline 26-Apr-2023


Contract for Urban Refuse Collection Services

Date of announcement: 1-Mar-23
Short Description Public services of selective collection of urban waste and transport to the respective disposal, management of the waste plants, street cleaning and other.
Country Spain
Contracting Entities Ayuntamiento de Salou
Estimate Value EUR 119 469 543.34
Deadline 12-Apr-2023


Contract for Refurbishment Services

Date of announcement: 2-Mar-2023
Short Description Refurbishment works for steel piled marine navigation structures within the Great Barrier Reef.
Country Australia
Contracting Entities Australian Maritime Safety Authority
Estimate Value AUD 800 789 200.00
Deadline 6-Apr-2023


Contract for Urban Refuse Collection Services

Date of announcement: 3-Mar-2023
Short Description Supply of electricity in high and low voltage in facilities of the Water Supply Entity Ter Llobregat.
Country Spain
Contracting Entities Ens d'Abastament d'Aigua Ter Llobregat
Estimate Value EUR 280 760 657.94
Deadline 14-Apr-2023