Open Contract Alerts: 28 March-01 April 2022

|In Open Contract Alerts|By Nadezhda Aleksieva

Open Contract Alerts

Open Tender for Wastewater Surveillance for SARS-CoV-2

Date of announcement: 28-Mar-22
Short Description Analyse wastewater samples for SARS-CoV-2 using laboratory testing procedures which comprise of three major steps: viral concentration, RNA extraction and molecular detection.
Country Canada
Contracting Entity University of Saskatchewan
Estimate Value CAD 700 000.00
Deadline 11-Apr-2022


Open Tender for Standing Offer for Defence Fuel Support Services

Date of announcement: 29-Mar-22
Short Description The defence department of Australia wants to engage a single vendor for the provision of ongoing engineering, supply chain, and other technical specialist services to support the delivery of the defence fuel supply chain.
Country Australia
Contracting Entity Department of Defence
Estimate Value Best Value
Deadline 29-Apr-2022


Open Tender for Multi-functional Buildings Construction Work

Date of announcement: 30-Mar-22
Short Description The contracting authority is looking to appoint up a company to create a cultural hub for the town of Huddersfield where families, visitors and residents can gather and enjoy leisure, arts and music, with activities spilling out into a high-quality public space.
Country United Kingdom
Contracting Entity Kirklees Council
Estimate Value GBP 165 000 000.00
Deadline 22-May-2022


Open Tender for Electricity Distribution and Control Apparatus

Date of announcement: 31-Mar-22
Short Description On-site supply of compact multifunction modules, with SF6 gas insulation, at nominal voltage 72.5-145-170-245 kV.
Country Italy
Contracting Entity TERNA S.p.A.
Estimate Value EUR 13 500 000.00
Deadline 2-May-2022


Open Tender for Toughbook Computers

Date of announcement: 01-Apr-22
Short Description Provision of rugged Panasonic laptops for the needs of the contracting authority.
Country United States
Contracting Entity NASA
Estimate Value USD 30 000.00
Deadline 5-Apr-2022