Pension Funds Stock Ownership Data

Insights into the holdings of pension funds into 5000+ ticker-mapped companies worldwide

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Pension Funds Stock Ownership

Track Pension Funds' Investments

Leverage essential information to boost your decision-making process


The TenderAlpha Pension Funds Stock Ownership offers an original perspective of stock ownership data by providing comprehensive information about the buying and selling activities of pension funds and their holdings into over 5000 companies globally.

The feed is a derivative of the Ownership & Company Fundamentals Data Feed, covering specifically the holdings of more than 350 pension funds.

The Pension Funds Stock Ownership Data Feed is a useful tool for hedge funds, mutual funds, investment banks, private equity funds, regulators and policymakers. The data can be applied when tracking benchmarks, analyzing potential M&As, deal sourcing, and identifying and mitigating various risks.

Scope & Contents

Use Cases

Understand the ownership profile of stocks and discover trends, including the frequency by which assets within a pension fund are bought and sold

Provide dynamic insights into the management of pension funds worldwide with a specific focus on insider and institutional holdings ownership changes that might affect the sustainability of income for large population groups

Copy the largest pension funds’ strategies by closely monitoring their buying and selling activity