Global Import-Export Trade Data

Insightful import and export data for a comprehensive overview of the global economy

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Supply Chain

Global Trade Data

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The TenderAlpha Global Import-Export Trade Data Feed combines direct and mirror customs data (including bill of lading), transit, and shipment data. The feed contains more than 300 million B2B import-export transactions (and counting), offering intelligence on global supply chain networks, international partnerships, trade routes, and market trends.

Each transaction offers detailed information about the commodities that are exported and imported from and into more than 100 countries, the value of each transaction in USD, the port of lading and unlading, and essential information about the supplier and the buyer.

Scope & Contents

Use Cases

Comprehensive intelligence on global trade flows, trade routes, and market trends

Identifying supply chain disruptions both on geographical and industry level

Real-time monitoring of B2B transactional data and corporate relationships